Sunday, October 30, 2011

Tongue Tied


Hello. Just a brief update since the last post. Quite a lot of things happened this week. First of all, it was Deepavali! Khalee & I went to Little India to do henna :) It was not bad. 10bucks for it. Okay lah :D Here's a picture.

Next, Enrolment's tomorrow! It's TOMORROW! Can you believe it? How fast time flies. The leaders are gonna announce the new board tomorrow. Hmmmppphhh.. I hope everything goes well. The ones who should get the post gets the post. I don't know what I'm talking about but yeah. You get the point right? Hahahah :D

Anyways, Chelsea vs Arsenal! Watched it with Conty just now. Very unpredictable game indeed. Very close game too. Had a very frustrating day before the game. Missed like the first 30 minutes of the game! Not gonna talk bout it. Eventhough Arsenal won with 5-3 but it was a very good game. Nevertheless, I still L-O-V-E Chelsea no matter what! Not like some Man U fans who claims that they are fans but complained when they lose. Like the Man U vs Man City game. Man City won with 6-1. In your face jokers! :P

By the way, I was telling Conty that Chelsea's manager, Andre Villas-Boas looks like Andrew Garfield. He does look like him! Well, maybe not so much but they kinda look alike hahah. Here's a picture of them :) The one on the left's Andrew while the right one is Andre.


Enrolment is over. Yes, it happened this morning. The new board's announced :) I'm the Patrol Second for Sangam, Liva's assistant. Actually, I'm kinda happy with it. I wanted Patrol Leader but Patrol Second will do :) Look on the bright side, not so much stress haha. I believe even if I wasn't in the board, I still will work hard for Rangers. Guiding is fun!

There's school tomorrow. Aaarrrggghhhh.... I feel so lazy. Plus, there's Science papers tomorrow. Haihh. Carmen, you can do it! One more paper and you're done with End-Year! Can't wait for the end of the year and be done with school. I couldn't sleep last night. Then I started thinking, where would I be after Form 5. And then I imagined myself driving. Fetching everyone here and there hahah. Then I thought of fetching my brother to school and stopping by at McD to buy breakfast before that. :D Ohmygoshh, I can't wait to drive! *vroom, vroom!*

I guess that's all this time. Going off for a nap now. Feeling tired after a long day. Alright, peace & love. Bye! x

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