Thursday, February 23, 2012


I noticed that I haven't been updating much compared to last time. So, I shall try my best to summarize what's going on in my head in this post. Hmmm.. where should I start?

In my last post, I told you guys that Joe Brooks will be performing in  Malaysia on the 3rd of March. Since I got to know bout the news earlier cause I have connections with the management who is in charge of bringing him here, I started thinking bout who I'm gonna go with. After asking almost everyone, no one wanted to go. It's not that they don't wanna go. It's just that we're having our 1st term exams on the 5th of March which is the following Monday after the concert.

I got so fed up, I decided to go solo. I can't wait for the others to take their own sweet time to tell me whether they're going or not. If it's a positive answer, then I won't mind waiting. But if you're gonna give me a 'No' for an answer, then sorry if I blast at you. It's Joe Brooks that we're talking bout here. I've been dying to see him since 2010! How can I miss this once in a lifetime opportunity?

So after trying to persuade Mum to let me go to the concert by myself, I bought the tickets online. I bought the Pre-Sale ones cause I get to stand closer to the stage for the same price! :D It's suppose to be an advantage for early birds. Gonna go collect the ticket on that day itself.

Next, American Idol. I've been watching AI since season 1! I can't afford to miss any episodes. My favourites for this year are Philip Phillips & Colton Dixon :D They're super cute and super good! They both made it to the top 24! Ahhhh!!!! :DD You might remember Colton from last year. He made it to the top 40 but got eliminated after that. Check out their pictures.

Philip Phillips
Colton Dixon

I guess that's all for now. I promise to update more often. Peace and love. Bye x

p/s : Currently thinking of what to buy for Joe Brooks :D Leave a suggestion in the comment box!

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